Fri, 28 Feb 2014
Schedule something with me
If you want to set up an evening hang out with me, or anything else where you'd like to meet up, here's the best strategy if you use Google Calendar:
- Create an event on your calendar with the time and date. In the name of the event, summarize it (for example: "Alice and Asheesh catch up re: fundraising" or "Bob and Asheesh hang out at El Rio bar").
- "Edit" the event, and add as a person to invite.
- Click "Save" and send me an invitation.
To do an amazing job, here are some extra rules:
- Always give me 24 hours or more lead-time.
- Give me two options, one labeled "(backup)" -- for example. "Bob and Asheesh hang out at El Rio bar" and "Bob and Asheesh hang out at El Rio bar (backup)".
- Then I'll click confirm on one of them, and I will click "No" on the other one. And that'll be that!
If you're too impatient for that (which is fine)
- Submit two proposed times
- Wait for me to eamil you saying yes (I'll also GCal invite you back)
This may seem bizarrely bureaucratic and impersonal, but since I often drop the ball on scheduling social or professional catch-up time, I wanted to create a system where successful results are easily achieved. In return for dealing with this automated interaction, you'll get a happy, relaxed, attentive Asheesh.