Sat, 01 Nov 2008
Mouse cursors
John Goerzen was surprised by a mouse pointer change. His mouse changed from's class black mouse pointer to the new GNOME translucent set. Upset, he wrote:
I noticed that my beloved standard X11 cursors had been replaced by some ugly antialiased white cursor theme. I felt as if XP had inched closer to taking over my machine.
Windows users seem to place similar importance on that clicky thing. A recent PC Magazine article writes, "Few things are more important in Windows than the mouse pointers." Dave Taylor discussed mouse pointers once, showing this picture of Windows XP's mouse pointers:
Windows XP's mouse pointer, then, doesn't look like the one John Goerzen got. They look like a bent version of the normal X11 pointers with inverted colors. Windows Vista's mouse cursors do look like GNOME's (via a BlogIsEverything post):
For this reason, Windows Vista feels like a cheap knock-off of GNOME to me whenever I use it.