Sat, 13 Apr 2013
Why are you doing all of this?
fijal just asked me, on IRC:
<fijal> paulproteus: if you have a second, can you tell me *why* are you doing all of this?
Briefly, here is the reason I work on OpenHatch:
For free software to take over the world, and for all users of software to be able to have control over their computing, we need a few things it seems to me.
- Software that is free ought to be better.
- That will probably take more collaboration and contributors.
- More people ought to feel comfortable doing things like filing bugs and participating in projects.
- For people to understand that, it helps a great deal if they know how to program.
- Free software contribution experiences are best when you have in-person communities to work with and bounce ideas off, or at least people who you know fairly well even if you collaborate remotely.
I think that explains basically all of what we do at OpenHatch.