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Sat, 25 Oct 2008

Voice mail greetings

When you call me and I don't pick up, a recording of me greets you with:

The names and faces may have changed,
but our commitment to you remains the same.

My mom writes:

i finally found the ad that inspired your voice mail
UBS: the world around you may change, but our commitment to you does not.

I think it was some other ad I was looking at while being driven around Baltimore by Andy Bette in 2005. Seeing it just inspired me: this has to be my automated greeting! Since it was right there, I'm pretty sure the way I said verbatim.

I think my ad was about the company changing, perhaps through an acquisition.

Chris Chan adds, astutely:

The ad that your voicemail is based on isn't for a company. The ad was for UMBC or a hospital. Your not-blog needs commenting.

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