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Sun, 29 Jul 2012

Twisted high scores

Living in the Boston area, I've had the chance to spend time with the lovely maintainers of the Twisted project.

Twisted is an event-driven network programming framework in Python. It's also a community of people for whom software is never good enough -- and they're right.

I visited the Twisted November sprint at the office a few weeks ago and reviewed a ticket. So now I am on the Twisted high scores list for November!

It was one of the most rewarding short periods of time I've ever spent contributing to an open source project. I took someone's contribution and turned it into a patch, and also gave some feedback. This counted as reviewing a ticket, for which I was immediately and strongly socially rewarded: J.P. (exarkun) turned to me and say, "Thanks for contributing to Twisted."

An IRC bot pinged me with a note saying my ticket review was complete. And now I appear in the high scores list for November!

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